Endomed 182


The Endomed 182 is a professional electrostimulation device for pain management, offering various current wave forms, including 2-pole and 4-pole Interferential Current, Asymmetric Biphasic Pulsed Current, and Burst TENS. The device has a full-color touch screen and graphic user interface that provides users with complete control and a clear overview of the selected parameters during treatment. It is simple to use and offers Quick Access and Smart buttons that guide users through the clinically correct functions of the device and each treatment. The Endomed 182 can save treatment parameters as favorites for future therapy sessions and offers 16 pre-set clinical protocols. The clinical library illustrates an array of pathologies and anatomical images, making it easier for therapists to communicate with patients about their condition and educate them on further treatment options. The device has 2 independent channels, and the intensity of each channel can be individually adjusted. It can be equipped with an integrated vacuum module that eliminates the use of fixation straps, and electrodes can be positioned quickly and easily. The Endomed 182 is smart in terms of design and performance, and is the most favorable priced professional device for Interferential Current and TENS.


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