Manumed Exercise


The Manumed Bobath is a treatment couch that is designed for neurological exercise therapy. It features a large and extra-wide treatment surface of either 100 cm or 120 cm by 200 cm, which makes it easy for practitioners to support and assist patients during therapeutic exercises. The couch is designed to provide unmatched stability and allows the Bobath and Vojta motion methods to be applied to perfection. The couch is also sturdy and comfortable, providing both the patient and practitioner with the most comfortable treatment positions.
The couch comes with a wheel-raising mechanism that makes it easy to move, and it can be adjusted to different heights using either an electric or hydraulic mechanism. The two-section model can be used either as a neurological exercise or treatment couch, making it versatile and suitable for different therapeutic applications.
Overall, the Manumed Bobath is a specialized treatment couch that offers comfort, stability, and versatility to practitioners and patients during neurological exercise therapy. Its extra-wide treatment surface, coupled with its ease of movement and adjustment, make it an ideal tool for therapists looking to provide the best care possible to their patients.


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